Resetting an administrator password, as you might imagine, involves more effort than changing a forgotten user password on a Macbook Pro. These are all basic guidelines for any passwords you use.
It should be easy to remember so you don’t have to write it down, and of course don’t give it to anyone.

Preferably, you should choose a password at least 7 characters long, including one number or symbol. That does it! You can then restart your computer (or just logoff and switch users) and login using your new password. Click Change Password and enter your new password and a hint to help you remember in case you forget again.Then select your user account with the forgotten password.Click the little lock button in the bottom-left hand corner.Open System Preferences (silver icon with gears) from the Apple Menu, dock, or the Applications folder.Log into the administrator account on the computer - If you don’t know that password, then you’ll need to skip down to the next section on resetting the computer administrator password, which is a bit more involved.
For older releases of Mac OS X, check out this other helpful article. Provided that you are using a fairly recent installment of Mac OS X, specifically v10.3 or later, you can follow the following instructions to reset your user password, which is what most people commonly forget.